Our Team
SafeHeart’s therapists all have clinical certifications (psychologists, psychiatrists, and clinical social workers), with significant experience in the fields of trauma and a particular interest in psychedelics.
Board of Directors
Guy Simon
Board Member, Chairman of the Clinical Advisory Committee
M.A, M.S.W, PhD(c), Psychotherapist with expertise in trauma.
Prof. Roy Salomon
Board member, Head of Research
and data collection
PhD., Ms.c, Department of Psychology, Haifa University
Shiran Maor
Chairman of the Board of directors
and Fund-Raising
Efrat Chudin
VP Acute therapeutic
Doctor of Clinical Psychology
Reut Plonsker
VP Acute therapeutic
Doctor of Clinical Psychology
Efrat Atun
Dr. Demian Halperin
Head of Psychiatric Support
MD, Board-certified psychiatrist and psychotherapist
Ori Schnitzer
Director of Communication and Development
Noa Refaeli
Yair Grynbaum
Emergency Interventions Manager
Ms.c, Mental health crisis specialist in “Magnus,”
Certified Open Dialogue facilitator, leader of harm reduction and peer support spaces.
Emergency Interventions Manager
Tal Zagursky
MA, Clinical psychologist in residency; harm reduction specialist
Dr.Sophie Joury
Ron Toledano
Groups and Retreats Coordinator
Igal Tartakovsky
Head of Support Groups
Mindfulness-based psychotherapist (ACT, Satya), Safe Shore Project Co-Founder.
Karina Dessau
Head of Holistic Treatments
Eclectic Psychotherapist,
Water Therapy Emotional Therapist WT
Daniela Fields
Survivor Support Community Manager
Community Social Worker
Rotem Ben Shushan
Therapists Community Manager
Social Worker and Art Therapist
Daniela Elmaliah Jonsson
Therapists Community Manager
Social Worker
Lian Ruda
Survivor Support
Case Manager
Tamar Sadovski
Survivor Support
Case Manager
Alon Texler
Survivor Support
Case Manager
Naama Yitzhak
Finance Manager
Danny Kinreich
Survivors' Families
Project Leader
Sitar Kires
Survivor Support
Case Manager
Shira Elmkies
Administrative Coordinator
Training Team
Dr. Tal Shany-Ur
Rehabilitation psychologist and supervisor, and neuropsychologist. Specializes in treating trauma incorporating mind-body and Buddhism-based interventions
Dr. Ayelet Cohen Vidr
Clinical psychologist. Background in psychedelic psychotherapy, facilitator of mind-body group therapy
Dr. Hadas Zeevi Sella
Clinical psychologist. Supervisor in the field of trauma, cptsd, secondary traumatization, resilience and growth
Dr. Avital Dimant Litvin
Clinical psychologist and supervisor. Psychodynamic therapist, specializes in trauma and loss